
Spicyroad was a year-long social project aiming to raise and spread awareness for women and refugee rights around the world.

Starting in September 2016, our small group of volunteers hitchhiked from Germany to Vietnam, interviewing NGOs, collecting recipes and creating content for our various social media channels.

Our aim: to inspire and educate our friends and followers on the status of women and refugees around the world with the hope of eventually opening a restaurant in Berlin, Germany, whereby female refugees and migrants could earn a sustainable living.  

During our travels my work included writing articles, designing/illustrating recipe cards, photography, conducting interviews with NGOs as well as shooting and editing travel videos & interviews.

30,000km, 522 drivers, 34 interviews, 17 recipes, 1 near kidnapping and countless incredible stories later.... We made it to our final destination, Ho Chi Minh City.

And what a wild ride it was.

Starting crew in Berlin
Recipe Card Designs

Selected Written Work

Spicyroad: How Food Can Connect People and Why We All Should Cook More Together (Article)
Spicyroad: "Week in Review" (Column)
Spicyroad: Visiting the "Can Do" Bar in Chiang Mai and Learning About Fair and Safe Sex Work (Blog Post)
Desperate times sometimes call for desperate measures...